Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2015

Selling or Sailing???

If you had asked me a few years ago if we are thinking about selling Peter Pan I would have said 'definitely not'!!! But time changes.
We had seven fantastic years with her, sailing in the Med and the Atlantic. She is a strong vessel, very reliable with a good soul. We enjoyed our time with her but now there is time for something else. A crazy idea, a new project...
If we can't sell her in the next few month we have to bring her to Europe.
The options:
1. we sell her in the next months
2. we sail her in the beginning of April to Bermuda, Azores and further on to Germany.
3. we put her on a cargo vessel and bring her to Europe
4. we take everything off and bring the body to the scrap yard
5. we cut her down to a good container size and ship "Peter Pan pieces" to Europe

So, let me know, what would you do???
Let us find good people who want to sail her and love her like we do and did!
Please spread the word!!!
Thanks Susan & Jan

Dienstag, 14. April 2015

Time flies...

Die Zeit verfliegt...
Acht Jahre sind es nun schon her, dass wir der Peter Pan ihren Namen gegeben haben. Es war damals ein ebenso warmer Tag wie heute. Viel ist in der Zwischenzeit passiert. Wir haben auf unserer Reise tolle Menschen kennen gelernt und viele Eindruecke in fremden Laendern sammeln koennen. Das Segeln war eine Erfahrung der besonderen Art. Immer neu, immer anders, immer lebendig. Der Wind zieht Dich in seinen Bann.
Wehmuetig sitzen wir nun in Deutschland, waehrend unsere Peter Pan in Florida an Land steht. Wir haben uns entschieden erst einmal in Deutschland zu bleiben. Wie es ist? Anders, in der gewohnten Bahn.

Time flies...
Eight years ago Peter Pan got her name. The '"Splash" was on a sunny and warm day like today. A lot of things happened during the last years. We met a lot of good people during our travelling and had so many beautiful moments in all those countries. Sailing is something special. Always new, always different, always spirited. The wind captures somebodies imagination.
But the decision has fallen. We stay for a while in Germany, while Peter Pan is in Florida on the hard.
How it feels? Different, in the accustomed manner.